Individuals working on documents in a close up shot
Staff Members
Finance Department

The Finance Department is located in the Red Brick Schoolhouse in Mayer. The Finance Department is responsible for the accurate accounting and reconciling of all District funds. This requires working closely with the Yavapai County Education Service Agency and the Yavapai County Treasurer’s Office.

The Finance Department is also responsible for ensuring the District is compliant with all federal and state guidelines and regulations. This requires overseeing individual school accounting procedures.

In addition to providing information to the Governing Board and Administration on fiscal matters, information is provided to the public as requested.

Vendor Registration

Vendors requesting to do business with the Mayer Unified School District may submit a vendor registration form and a W-9 to be added to the district’s vendor bid list. (See Links on this page to download)


Fax Number:


Mailing Address:

Mayer Unified School District #43

Attn.: Jane Fielding

P.O. 1059

Mayer, AZ 86333

Accounts Payable

The Finance Department is responsible for accurately processing all vendor payments for the district, including student activities and auxiliary operations.

Vendors are required to include Purchase Order numbers on all invoices submitted for payment. Purchase Orders are required in advance for all purchases for goods and/or services. See Purchasing for more information. Vouchers are generally submitted weekly to the Yavapai County Education Service Agency for warrant processing.

Payroll - Compensation and Benefits

The Finance Department is responsible for accurately processing all employee wage payments and withholding amounts. Eligible employees are provided with a comprehensive benefits program. Benefits include medical, dental, vision, retirement, short-term disability, long-term disability, life insurance, and leave time. More detailed information is available from the Human Resources Department.

Property Taxes

The Finance Department works closely with the Yavapai County Education Service Agency to prepare an Estimate of Needs for each school year. The estimate of needs is used to set property tax rates which are levied by the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors on or before the 3rd Monday in August (ARS 15-17151)

The Estimate of Needs is created from the proposed budget limits based on formulas established in state law and by the Arizona legislature. Primary property taxes provide funding for Maintenance and Operations, Unrestricted Capital Outlay, and Adjacent Ways (see Explanation of Funds and Balances). Secondary property taxes provide funding for voter-approved overrides and bonds.

Property Management

The Finance Department is responsible for tracking district assets. Assets include land, land improvements, buildings, building improvements, vehicles, furniture and equipment. This department is also responsible for annual depreciation and all related schedules for the annual audit. Asset disposal is handled by the Finance Department when items become inoperable and/or obsolete.

More detailed information on district assets can be found in the school district Audited Financial Statements.